Sunday, January 3, 2010


So i do not have the patience to put the pictures in chronological order. but this all happened in November and December.

This is the best that I could get of the two of the kids in the same room at the same time. Brooke and mya dressed for Christmas Sunday Mya being adorable and snuggling dad. moments like this make me want another baby.
This is all of the cousins on my side of the family. my mom bought them all polar bear pjs. we went out to Utah just to get this picture.............OK so not really, we went out to Utah for Michael's wedding and to get this picture.

the kids and us before we left them in the hotel with the baby sitters so we could go to Michael and Andrea's reception. it was a formal sit down dinner. it was nice to enjoy a quite meal with out the kids.

On our long weekend in Utah we went to temple square. Brooke was running around like a maniac. she loved seeing all the lights and running with her cousins.

Haley, Jack, and Brooke all stopped for a minute to take a picture and then they were off and running again

I had a birthday. Jon and I went out to dinner and fun night together.

We went into the city for the tree lighting. It was not worth the trip in. But at least we have a picture to prove that we went into the city that night.

Whit waiting to open her mission call. She is going to las vegas spanish speaking. as promised she will be getting a package every month. they will be filled with AWESOME things you just wait sister drussel!

On thanksgiving we had a nice and relaxing day. we went to my parents house. I made the pies and some other things and my mom and whit took care of the rest. The kids and i playing under the table.

Aunt whit-e with the kids eating a snack under the table...........why not

Whit posing with her famous mashed potatoes. and of course sporting mya's head band

Jon is the lucky one that gets to carve the turkey and make the gravy. he makes delicious gravy.
Mya wanted to eat veggies and dip so badly we sat her in the chair and let her eat while we got the rest of the food ready. she was so happy to have her own bowl of dip!
All in all the last month and a half has been a lot of fun. sorry for the random order of things but i guess that is what i get for not being better at updating the blog.

1 comment:

  1. hey ash! it's ok, i know how it is! i haven't looked at any blogs in forever! (doing this now while the boys are in the tub!) so glad to see your update. been thinking about u guys- hope yall are doing well.
    well, better go- i hear niagara falls in our bathroom!
    love the pics and catching up with u! :)
